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M. Kishigami
⦁ nature letters ⦁ article Reduced Activity of Histaminase in Rats sensitized by Bordetella pertussis Download PDF ⦁ Letter ⦁ Published: 14 March 1959 Reduced Activity of Histaminase in Rats sensitized by Bordetella pertussis TOSHITAKA MATSUI, MASAYOSHI KISHIGAMI & YOSHIO KUWAJIMA Nature volume 183, page756 (1959)Cite this article ⦁ 64 Accesses ⦁ 5 Citations Metricsdetails Abstract SINCE the work described above was carried out we have investigated the reduced inactivation of histamine by liver and brain from mice sensitized with B. pertussis. Histamine was added to a homogenate of the organs. Then the amount of histamine remaining after various intervals of incubation at 37° C. was determined by extracting histamine by a modified McIntire's method1 and using guinea pigileum. The extract responded to atropin and anti-histamines in much the same way as histamine did. The liver and brain of sensitized mice showed a statistically significant reduction in the histamine-inactivating activity over non-sensitized mice. Similar content being viewed by others Humoral immune response and delayed-type hypersensitivity in rabbits infected with Trypanosoma equiperdum Article Open access10 September 2020 Differences in skin test reactions to official and defined antigens in guinea pigs exposed to non-tuberculous and tuberculous bacteria Article Open access20 February 2023 Ergot alkaloid mycotoxins: physiological effects, metabolism and distribution of the residual toxin in mice Article Open access16 June 2020 Japanese dentist develops e-tooth
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米国特許庁 ( United States Patent & Trademark Office )
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い。 学生王将 おめでとう 西川 恭平 君